笔者想在自己部落格里的《Cosplay分享》单元发布一些向Coser们做的访问,并分享他们所累积的精彩经验。于是便到Comic Fiesta Cosplay Group 和Comic Fiesta 同好谈天地的面书专页那里问这么做能行吗?照响应看来,好像是行的通的。于是便借用谷歌收集情报的力量,做了一个表格好收集有兴趣参与Coser的资料~(大学时期用来做研究的方法发挥作用了~~)。问卷如下:
For the convenience of people who unable to read Chinese, below is the translation:
I would like to share some interview contents of Cosplayer in my blog for the purpose of sharing their cosplay experience and feeling. Besides loving to hear story from cosplayer, this activities also have the purpose to make people outside cosplay world understand the story behind cosplay.
Through this form, I would like to ask anyone who interested in joining this activity. If you love to share your Cosplay experience or any topic related to cosplay, do fill up this form so that I can contact you in the near future for the interview arrangement. The registration form are as below:
For the convenience of people who unable to read Chinese, below is the translation:
I would like to share some interview contents of Cosplayer in my blog for the purpose of sharing their cosplay experience and feeling. Besides loving to hear story from cosplayer, this activities also have the purpose to make people outside cosplay world understand the story behind cosplay.
Through this form, I would like to ask anyone who interested in joining this activity. If you love to share your Cosplay experience or any topic related to cosplay, do fill up this form so that I can contact you in the near future for the interview arrangement. The registration form are as below:
This activity so not have any special
restriction (such as age, occupation). Even you are just about to start your
first cosplay, is also not an issue. Issues like professionalism, level of
famous or success would not take into account. What we need is just stories and
experiences that worth to share. Besides, this activities also do not have
nationality restriction, if you have cosplayer friends from foreign countries
(such as Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong or even Japan, Korea and America),
please share this form with them so we can have story from other nations.
2.5 Dimension is just a beginner blog spot.
Although the influence is not that significant, but I would be grateful for your supports. Thank You.
若你对以上的募集存有疑惑,请务必联络小生,联络方式可以用Facebook的Indox 或直接在这里留言。您也可以发邮件到笔者的G-mail(homura0205@gmail.com)。笔者将尽可能为您解开疑惑。谢谢
If you have any questions, please contact me through my facebook inbox or directly post your question here. You can also message me through my G-mail (homura0205@gmail.com). Thank you.
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Comic Fiesta 同好谈天地 Facebook专页
Comic Fiesta Cosplay Group Facebook专页
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